Waiting on your newest arrival? Feeling the anxiety or meeting them? I bet you they cant wait to meet you either. The greatest love they'll ever know is carrying them safely near their heart!
Momma here was just full of so much joy for her surprise baby. That's right! Her and dad waited until they gave birth to find out the gender of their little one. Why? Because no matter the sex, mom and dad are going to love their new baby every fiber of their beings. Mom and dad travelled from Jacksonville, FL to share their growing family with me. How awesome is that!! I always feel so blessed when they find me worthy :)
We got makeup done, mom dressed and started creating magic; magic specific to their energy and the love they shared. There is no denying how much these two love each other. Have a look for yourself!!!

Add a Milk Bath

Milk Baths are such a calming and beautiful part of a maternity session. It's just you, your baby, warm water and gorgeous fresh flowers. It's all about you and that gorgeous little life you are carrying.