I had the pleasure of meeting Rona's mommy and grandma last year at her newborn session. I didn't know that it would blossom into such an amazing relationship. We have this running thing with Rona; a nickname that fits her oh too well! I call her my STAR BABY! Now, the reason I call her Star Baby is because she had been my first newborn in years that slept so hard I was able to get through her entire session in under an hour. *cue all newborn photographer's gasps* YES!!! Under an hour! Insane is an understatement. I have only had 4 babies in my career that have slept like that, but none in under an hour. So she has earned her name.
Since her newborn shoot, I have had the pleasure of watching her as she grew. We got a chance to capture mom and Rona along their breastfeeding journey and finally her 1st Birthday!! Check out my little pink lemonade goddess! What a perfect theme for this sweet breath of fresh air! <3